onsdag, juni 21, 2006


Dear Amazon® member ,
It has come to our attention that your Amazon account information records are out of date. That requires you to update your account information . [blahblah]

However, failure to update your records will result in account termination. Please update your records in maximum 48 hours. [blahblah]

To update your Amazon account information click on the following link:



Best Regards , Amazon Security Departament [sic! - gottcha!]

I dooon't think sooo...

3 kommentarer:

Rambukk sa...

Den så kjent ut, ja. Utrolig nok er det fortsatt mange som hopper når cyberstemmen sier "hopp!".

alliene sa...

Ja - på ett eller annet vis må det jo betale seg å drive med spam...

Anonym sa...

Ha ha!